[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]There seems to be a relation between joint pains and changes in weather conditions, especially with the onset of monsoon. In your own case, you may have observed that an old injury spot begins to ache in a particular kind of weather.
Monsoons are usually associated with humidity and changes in barometric pressure of the atmosphere and this fluctuation in the weather can lead to
- Stiffness in the muscles
- Aggravated pain in the joints
- Swelling
- Muscle weakness
- Decreased range of movement
It is also observed that:
- Arthritis patients often complain about weather-related joint aches.
- Patients suffering from Rheumatoid Arthritis are the most affected with changes in humidity and pressure of the atmosphere.
- The drop in temperature during the monsoon and winter sets dryness in the body which aggravates the pain in the joints.
- People working for long hours in an air-conditioned environment often complain of increased stiffness and joint ache, especially when the weather is cold outside.
- Being obese or overweight can increase the burden on the joints leading to knee joint pain.
Hence, early identification of these symptoms and taking necessary actions can prevent further aggravation of the pain and also seizes the damage of the joints. Seasonal regimen mentioned in Ayurveda classics focus on the therapies which can treat and improve the condition of the joints.
Treat your joint pain effectively:
- Along with Abhyanga & Pottali Sweda (specific massage for pain relief), there are other Ayurveda treatments which are beneficial in treating area-specific painful conditions such as
- Low Back pain management (Kati Basti)
- Knee pain management (Janu Basti)
- Neck pain management (Greeva Basti) Ayurveda Panchakarma treatments like Nasya therapy and Basti karma are a boon to the patients suffering from the pain due to Cervical & Lumbar spondylitis, frozen shoulder, Neurological conditions, Musculoskeletal conditions etc.
- Obesity-induced joint pain can be treated by effective weight loss treatments.
Shathayu Ayurveda offers a variety of exclusive pain management treatments to treat degenerative, inflammatory and neurological pain disorders. A healthy diet and lifestyle modifications along with suitable exercises also play a key role in managing joint pain. This monsoon, meet our experts to keep your joint aches at the bay.
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Gentle exercises like stretching or yoga improve joint flexibility, while warm compresses and hot baths alleviate pain caused by cold weather.