Prevention. Wellness. Treatment.
Best Ayurvedic Skincare Treatments in Bangalore
Ayurveda recognizes two types of skin abnormalities, Mahakustha and Kshudrakustha. Mahakustha refers to major skin diseases, while Kshudrakustha refers to minor skin diseases.
They are as follows:
Vipadika (Eczema)
Kushta (Leprosy)
Kitibha (Psoriasis)
Sidhma (Lichen Planus)
Kotha (Leucoderma/Vitiligo)
Visarpa (Herpes/Zoster)
Charma Rakta (Purpura)
Darunaka (Acne)
Pama (Scabies)
Dadru (Ringworm)
Indralupta (Alopecia)
Kitibha Kustha (Psoriasis)
Eka Kushta (Mycosis Fungoides)
Alasaka (Lichen Simplex)
Vipadika (Eczema)
Charmadala (Contact dermatitis)
Visphota (Blister)
Sphota (Erysipelas)
Shathayu Skincare Products
Shathayu Ayurveda offers various skin products based on Ayurvedic herbal extractions and concoctions. These are natural substances that holistically improve skin health. Consult our ayurvedic experts for the best products that suit your skin type and problems for the best results.
Ayurvedic Skincare Treatments & Recommendations
Benefits of Ayurvedic Skincare Treatments
Clean and Glowing skin
Eliminates all skin disorders
Reinforces the immune system
Enhanced skin tone
Unlock the Incredible Potential of Ayurveda for your Health and Happiness
Whether you’re seeking relief from a specific ailment or want to improve your overall well-being, our experienced doctors are here to guide you.
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