[vc_row][vc_column][vc_empty_space][vc_single_image image=”5895″ img_size=”full” alignment=”center”][vc_empty_space][vc_column_text]Those who are overweight or obese feel that they are the only ones who have to work hard to get into shape and be fit. On the other end of the spectrum there are those who are underweight and want to get into shape by gaining weight. Both of these are problems in themselves. Wouldn’t you want to have that perfect shape too?
Fortunately,for those who are too thin and skinny, or who are severely underweight, there are ways to get into the shape they desire and to gain weight fast. This would require understanding the reason for low weight and maintaining a diet for weight gain. In weight loss, the simple formula is to burn more calories than you consume, but to gain weight you have to also find out if there is something in your body that is preventing you from getting to the weight that you desire.[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space][vc_column_text]
Is Being Underweight Really A Problem?
[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space][vc_column_text]If you are like any normal person, you would believe that being overweight is unhealthy but being underweight is not a problem at all. Knowing that obesity has become rampant and so many people struggle with it all over the world, being underweight might seem like a good idea. The fact is, that it is a terrible idea. Though fat has a bad reputation, the fat in your body is nothing but stored energy. People who are underweight and do not have fat deposits on their body may not be getting enough calories to fuel their body. This could have a direct impact on all of their organs and may eventually lead to a variety of health problems.[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space][vc_column_text]
What Problems Can Underweight Cause?
Here are some of the most common problems related to underweight:
Problems with growth: Men and women who weigh less than their ideal weight may experience inhibited growth. Their development is usually very slow. In children especially, the body needs a lot of energy to keep growing normally. If this energy is not available, they will not be healthy and will not grow normally. Inhibited growth and development is especially seen in children and teens, whose bodies need plenty of nutrients to grow and stay health.
Deficiencies: Some of the vitamins that the body requires, are only absorbed in fat. Such fat soluble vitamins include vitamin D, E and K.
A deficiency of vitamin D can lead to low weight gain and malabsorption of calcium in the body. This in turn leads to weak and fragile bones and conditions such as osteoporosis.
A deficiency of vitamin E affects the skin and hair of the person. Vitamin E deficiency can lead to rapid hair loss and aging skin.
Vitamin K is an important clotting factor without which blood does not clot properly so a deficiency of this vitamin can lead to several life threatening conditions.
Weak immune system: In most people, underweight is caused due to malnourishment and poor nutrition can lead to many different health problems, including a weak immune system. When the body cannot store energy, it also has a poor defense against disease causing agents. The body cannot fight illness and the person may become ill frequently.
Fertility issues: A deficiency of iron, vitamin B12 and folates can not only cause dizziness and weakness, it can also cause fertility issues. Women may find it increasingly difficult to conceive.[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space][vc_column_text]
What Causes Underweight
[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space][vc_column_text]There are several causes of underweight. Though some people may be underweight and still be physically healthy, there are others who may suffer from a variety of problems stemming from their low body weight. Here are some of the most pressing causes of underweight in men and women:
Genetics: Men and women who are very thin right from their birth may be genetically inclined to it. Some people are simply born with a metabolism which is higher than normal. Genetics could cause increased metabolism or a small appetite.
Higher than average physical activity: If you are an athlete or have extremely high levels of physical activity, you may be expending more calories than you are consuming. This will certainly make you skinnier than the average. An active job, or a generally physically active lifestyle can also result in low weight.
Long term illness: If you have been sick for a while, it can affect your appetite and impair your body’s ability to turn your energy stores to fat. Diabetes, digestive illnesses and an overactive thyroid are some of the common causes of low weight gain.
Medications: Long term medications – especially those that cause nausea and suppression of appetite, would naturally lead to weight loss. Therapies like chemotherapy may also reduce weight and prevent you from gaining it right back. Persisting illness can worsen weight loss and keep the weight off for good.
Psychological problems: Stress, depression and psychological illnesses like anorexia or bulimia can also cause rapid weight loss. This will also prevent you from gaining weight. Body image problems and emotional issues that are damaging to the psyche.[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space][vc_column_text]
Gain Weight Healthily
If you are underweight, there is no reason why you should not be able to gain weight in a sustained and healthy manner. To add on healthy calories, you do not even have to radically change your diet or binge on supplements. Just the right weight gain formula, with a weight management diet can help you. Here’s how to gain weight:
Consume a nutritionally dense diet: Do not eat empty calories, even if you are tempted. Increase your caloric intake in every day. You can do this by adding nuts or seeds to your food or adding side dishes like potatoes, yams or breads. Adding a slice of cheese to your sandwich will also help.
Add more protein: High protein meals, especially those that can help you build muscle are really helpful. Proteins are rich in nutrients. You can add some carbohydrates while you are at it, and you have a healthy as well as nutrition rich meal.
Eat more snacks: Eat healthy, nutrition dense snacks between your meals to add more calories to your diet. Protein bars, fruit shakes and sandwiches will also help.
Ayurvedic supplements: Ayurvedic expert has brought together nature’s best ingredients to give you an Ayurvedic supplement that helps normalize your metabolism and regularize hormonal production. This will also help you maintain a sustained weight gain.
Give us a call or leave a message for an online consultation and our experts will get in touch with you to answer all your queries about how to gain weight.[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][/vc_column][/vc_row]
Choosing the best food for babies to gain weight ensures healthy growth and proper nutrition during their early years
Ragi porridge is a traditional Indian superfood and one of the best foods to help babies gain weight in a healthy and natural way.