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Best Ayurvedic Abhyanga Massage Therapy In Bangalore

Abhyanga, the marquis of all Ayurvedic massages is a fundamental healing gizmo to detoxify, nourish, and revive the body’s tissues. This whole body massage is done using herbal oils customized according to your body type. It has much deeper healing effects which naturally harmonize Mind, body, and Soul. 

Abhyanga is an ancient and highly well-known Ayurvedic Treatment aimed at promoting and maintaining overall health. It consists of a thorough body massage with warm oil, and the choice of oil is customized to suit an individual’s unique body constitution and can even vary in accordance with the seasons. The oils that are used for Ayurvedic Abhyanga Massage may contain sesame, coconut, sunflower, mustard, and almond, while, in specific cases, medicated oils infused with Ayurvedic herbs are utilized to address particular health conditions.


Abhyanga Ayurvedic Massage is usually done in combination with other Rejuvenation Treatments:

  •  Abhyanga and Sweda

Duration: 90 mins

 It is a traditional Ayurvedic body massage using individual, seasonal, and ailment-specific medicated oils followed by an herbal steam bath (Sweda) and scrub. Sweda helps to open the skin pores and throw out the toxins through them.


  •  Vishesha Abhyanga and Sweda

Duration: 90 mins

 It is an Enhanced Version of Abhyanga and Sweda done in a synchronized way by 4 hands.


  • Abhyanga with Patra Pinda Sweda  (Churna pinda/ Jambira panda)       

Duration: 90 mins

Swedana (Fomentation) is done by using medicated herbs /powders after a traditional massage.  


  • Abhyanga & Pariseka

Duration: 90 mins         

This procedure involves pouring a shower of medicated decoctions over the body after a traditional massage. A hose or a can with many small holes is used to shower it above the patient’s head. 


Benefits of Ayurvedic Abhyanga Massage are:

  • Effective in joint pain, stroke, and other musculoskeletal conditions
  • Improves blood circulation
  • Eliminates toxins and rejuvenates the whole body
  • Nourishes the skin
  • Tones up the muscles and increases tissue strength
  • Removes cellulite
  • Improved sleep
  • Promotes vitality
  • Reduces body pain and  stiffness,

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The Effectiveness of the treatments also depend on individual’s age, health condition and associated medical conditions like metabolic disorders etc.

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